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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > Extreme Force > Boot Sector Launch

Boot Sector Launch Used Deck

Boot Sector Launch
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Field Spell - - - - -
All "Rokket" monsters on the field gain 300 ATK/DEF.
You can activate 1 of these effects;
●Special Summon up to 2 "Rokket" monsters with different names from your hand in Defense Position.
●If your opponent controls more monsters than you do: Special Summon "Rokket" monsters with different names from your GY in Defense Position, up to the difference.
You can only use this effect of "Boot Sector Launch" once per turn.
Average Rating Score 9.1(14)
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  2. Card Reviews (14 rating scores)
  3. Decks with Boot Sector Launch (134 Decks)
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"Boot Sector Launch" card reviews and rating scores

78% (11)
21% (3)
0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)

japan ねおんちゃん
2023/06/11 9:37
Yugioh Icon
Special Summoning 《Rokket Tracer》that was searched for 《Absorouter Dragon》from 《Dragunity Knight - Romulus》and 《Dragon Ravine》in the first move, turning the battle situation upside down by reviving multiple bodies from GY. A Field Spell.
Personally, not only is it simply useful as a deployment card for Rokket, but even when Rokket is not used, Dragon GS is a Field Spell that can be easily searched with "Striker Dragon". I would like to pay attention to the point that it can be used as an affordable existence that can go to search.
japan 青山
2021/01/07 13:47
Yugioh Icon
Rokket deployment card that can be used for the first move and return
The ease of use after becoming searchable with 《Striker Dragon》is the best to say the least
Initial move is around Absorouter Dragon , Speedburst Dragon , I want it in my hand.
Resurrection depends on the opponent's situation, but the advantage when you get hooked well is a masterpiece
The Rokket that popped out during the end phase should be temporarily gathered into a Link Monster, so you can revive a lot.
The effect of step up is that Anesthrokket Dragon can hit weak tokens, so there are scenes that are quietly useful, but it's not bad as a side note
japan ねこーら
2020/12/29 21:28
Yugioh Icon
Overall Rating: An easy-to-search Field Spell that complements Rokket's deployability.
Easily searchable with 《Striker Dragon》that can be easily drawn.
It can be said that it is a starting point that leads to a link summon by developing from the hand / GY.
Placing in his GY, searching for , and doing a Special Summon as it is is particularly good, and it is possible to destroy this card and develop further.
If you have a good GY, you can revive and link summon until the number of monsters you face is the same.
Although there is overall strengthening, it is not very useful because there are few monsters suitable for attacking in Rokket itself.
japan カンベイ
2019/06/22 23:51
Yugioh Icon
From the beginning of its appearance, it was an excellent card as a Rokket deployment card from the hand and a Rokket resurrection card from GY. Combined, the usefulness of the Rokket Deck has further increased as an easy-to-deploy card. Thanks to this, even if the Rokket monsters are duplicated in the hand, it is possible to force them to be deployed, and the development power of the Rokket Deck has increased dramatically.
japan シエスタ
2019/01/10 14:53
Yugioh Icon
It can strengthen the entire Rokket, and although the numbers are weak, there are some low-ranking Rokkets that have passing stats as attackers and walls, so it's hard to raise it.
However, since all developments from this card are defensive, it smells like a bonus after all.
You can choose two deployment methods, and it's a nice effect for Rokket, which can't be said to have a very high deployment speed.
You can deploy up to 2 from your hand, but the consumption is rough, and Rokket is basically a category brought by recruiting.
If you want to handle it effectively, I want to supplement it with a speed loader. A true revolver.
In the case of revival, the neck is that it depends on the opponent's field and is not stable. There can be up to 1 body with the same name, so considerable preparation is required to earn a large amount of ads.
It's a bit rough, but I think both effects are good cards for his Rokket. If I had to say, it would be a pity that it would be difficult to use together with Mirafo as a fan.
japan A
2017/12/19 10:55
Yugioh Icon
Both deployment from hand and resurrection from GY have perfect performance
Field Spell, which is quite useful for Rokket, who had no deployment power.
In addition, there is no reason to be weak because it is attached to RBI up
japan もも
2017/10/19 21:05
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell card for Rokket support.
The first effect has the effect of increasing her ATK defense of Rokket monsters by 300 points.
A level 4 Rokket monster will be a number that can be calculated as an attacker to break her ATK 2000.
The second effect is the ability to deploy low-level Rokket monsters, which was required for Rokket monsters, depending on the situation.
The effect of special summoning 2 of his Rokket monsters from the former hand can be easily deployed on the field, but on the other hand, it is necessary to accumulate his Rokket monsters in the hand, so there is a possibility that the hand consumption will be a bottleneck.
The latter effect can be smoothly expanded from GY by recruiting aka Rokket from the common recruit effect of Rokket monsters and accumulating her Rokket monsters in her GY.
A good card that fills in the missing pieces of the current Rokket monster.
japan ジュウテツ
2017/10/18 10:30
Yugioh Icon
The effect of (2) greatly increases the deployment power of "Rokket" monsters, so I'm grateful that it becomes easier to connect with his high-link Link Monsters.
I think that there is no loss in the strengthening effect of (1).
I think it's also a strength that you can search with "Bon mawashi" 《Terraforming》.
japan とき
2017/10/14 15:25
Yugioh Icon
Rokket loading...
A dedicated Field Spell that strongly supports the deployment of Rokket. In addition to increasing Rokket's ability, it has the effect of choosing whether to deploy 2 of his Rokkets from your hand or revive Rokkets from GY until the number of Rokkets equals the number of your opponent's field.
Either way, it greatly increases Rokket's ability to deploy, and makes link summoning much easier. The first half will be from your hand, and from the middle stage onwards you will be able to focus on his GY. It is also very excellent that his Rokket that has been deployed has no restrictions other than Special Summon in Defense Position.
If you're going to complain, you can only have one card with the same name, but it may be a little tough for Rokket, who only has 5 types, so you can expect it to be the core field of his Rokket in the future.
japan プンプン丸
2017/10/14 14:39
Yugioh Icon
"Rokket"'s preferential treatment is incomplete, this is a card of a level that makes Yusaku angry
japan ヒコモン
2017/10/14 11:57
Yugioh Icon
Field Spell for promised theme only. The usual 300 up is also included. I'm worried about the number of cards that can be deployed from the hand, so the main thing is the resurrection effect from his GY. It will be the power to repel the inferiority of Sorcha.
japan みめっと
2024/05/21 21:33
Yugioh Icon
japan かどまん
2024/05/21 17:39
Yugioh Icon
japan wairo
2024/01/11 2:32
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Boot Sector Launch"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
Extreme Force EXFO-JP053 2017-10-14 Rare
LINK VRAINS BOX LVB1-JP020 2017-12-23 Ultra
Structure Deck-Revolver SD36-JP027 2019-06-22 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,511 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 42,760
Card Type "Field Spell" Best Card Ranking 56th


Japanese card name リボルブート・セクター

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